I’m a plumber with a website but no leads. What gives?

Get Free Leads on your Plumbing Website
This mostly pertains to once you already get the leads on your website in the first place. On your website, but before they reach out, they are just users. After they reach out, they become leads. Here, I’m talking about turning users to leads.
How do you get users on your website? That could be via digital marketing on social media platforms. That could be posting flyers in your neighborhood. That could be handing out business cards at some tradeshow. There are a million and one ways to get that to happen, and none of them are easy - and each would require their own blog post.
So, we’re going to talk about how to convert users to leads once they have already landed on your page.
And that boils down to one major concept:

Website Conversion Funnel
Which is primarily driven by UX (User experience/data-driven research). What is UX? Well, it could encompass any number of things, but for the sake of this post, it is the reason why websites are built the way they’re built. It’s a rational decision-making process that leads you to build the most effective website possible. And most of those ideals are reflected in the website conversion funnel I mentioned above.
So what is the website conversion funnel? It’s a form of design guidelines for a website that will drive a user to contact you either via a form completion or a phone call. Which obviously, is what we want to happen on your website.
The easiest way to illustrate it is to role-play.

Hero Image
See here for an example. It is the first image on the page
They land on your website, bestplumberintheworld.com. They see some nice hero image spanning from end to end. It looks good, polished.
It indicates good work being done. It is a plumbing job so it resonates with your audience.
They think, "I want some plumbing done. Here is a plumber dressed nice and crushing it. Looks promising."

About Section
They scroll down a little, they see an About section talking about you, the man or woman behind the business
Maybe it’s a family story talking about how you’re a plumber because your dad and your grandpa were plumbers. You have been dealing with sh*t no one wants to deal with for years. It’s a dirty job but one that called to your family. One that put food on the table not just for you but for your father and your father’s father.
The user gets to know you a little; they humanize your company a bit.

Services Section
Then they scroll some more, they see your services section.
You’re offering toilet installations, or a plumbing consultation, or a way to fix their main-line.
They think, “Hey, yup. I need a toilet installed and I don’t want to screw it up.” So now they are starting to shift in buy mode.

They scroll a little further and then they start seeing testimonials:
“Best plumber in the world really is the BEST. PLUMBER. IN. THE. WORLD!”
“Best plumber in the world really knocked it out of the park. Answered my call and came over an hour later. My toilet was shooting poop onto my ceiling and with three twists of his wrench, best plumber in the world stopped it immediately and now my ceiling isn’t covered in my waste”
“Best plumber in the world didn’t even stop by! He just did a consultation call, walked me through what to do, and then paid ME money!”
Okay, maybe not the last one. Anyway, now the user made it down to the social proof. They already saw you do what they want based on the service section. Now they know other people are thrilled with your service, so why would they not hire you to do their toilet installation?

Call to Action
They scroll a little more, and lo and behold, a strong call to action button. “Call today”. They call, you sell, they pay. User becomes customer just like that.
That’s the model you want with your website. You want to
1. Attract their attention with a nice image
2. Humanize yourself and the brand so they feel they know you
3. Show your services which they’re actively seeking
4. Establish social credibility
5. Entice them to call
And that’s what the website conversion funnel is all about. If you’re not doing that, then your UX is suffering, which means your wallet is suffering.
If you have actually read this far, I’ll go ahead and do a free consultation call with you on your current site and give you action items to improve. Just mention, “best plumber in the world wants best website in the world.”
Good luck!
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